Medical Ear Piercing

baby-pierced-earsWe are proud to offer medical ear piercing in the office for babies and children!

  • What are the advantages of having your child’s ears pierced at Pleasant Peds Care?

Dr. Pleasant uses the Blomdahl medical ear piercing system. In a medical office, you have professional care from one trained in sterile technique and wound management. We use the Blomdahl system which is a sterile system where a disposable cartridge is replaced with every piercing. You have ready access to follow-up evaluation for any questions, problems, or concerns.

  • What kind of earrings are used?

silver-titanium-shapes-4The earrings are in a sterile cartridge attached to the gun. They are made of diamond-like stud with a medical plastic base. The use of medical plastic is encouraged with the initial piercing. This reduces the risk of developing nickel allergy from a metal post.

  • Will it hurt?

The child can experience a pinch and stinging sensation, not unlike a vaccination.

  • What are the risks?

159610be8fd143f6e6e6e781643ba456-1-300Ear piercing is a minor surgical procedure with similar risks to stitches or abscess drainage. Despite precautions, there is a small chance of infection, scarring or allergic reactions. As some people are prone to scarring, there is a small risk that a person could develop keloid (an overgrown scar) formation at the piercing site. We do ask that you sign an informed consent at the time of the procedure to verify that you have been notified of these risks.

  • How do I care for my child’s ears afterward?

After piercing, you must clean the ear lobe with soap and water daily. Alcohol is also effective but not required. Every effort should be made to use clean hands whenever touching the ears or earrings. The initial piercing must be left in for 6 weeks before replacing.

  • Do you offer piercing of any body part other than the lower ear?


  • What age can it be done?

We start at 3 months old and over, at the discretion of Dr. Pleasant.

  • How can I find out more information?

Please call us during normal business hours to request more information or to schedule an appointment.

PLEASE NOTE: You MUST be a patient of ours to use this service.